Quality Solar packages

By combining years of experience in the solar industry, we have put together a list of the best quality. We consult, install, and maintain quality systems for our clients.

Our Packages

Quality Solar Central- our solar battery solutions Utilize the top brands in the market. These have proven to be highly efficient and reliable. Scroll down to know more.

              Technical Specs

  • $60 per fortnight Not $94
  • Cut the sales cost.
  • Book with an electrician in Cowra to inspect your roof clearly.
  • Save more than $4000 on your installments.

               Technical Specs

  • Q Cells Solar Panels: 330 W x 20 Nos. (66.6 kW)
  • 5 kW Fronius Solar Inverter
  • Battery interface ready
  • Quality Solar Central Support
  • Complete Installation
  • 10+2 Installation Warranty

Quality Solution- From $22/ week
Quality Premium- From $27/week
Quality Premium Plus- From $32/week



Residential 6.6 kW Solar System

Our Special Solar Packages Based on the TRINA SOLAR and Fronius Arranged Residential Package: 6.6KW Solar System

Fronius 5kW Inverter

High grade and robust quality Fronius inverters are best suited for such applications.

Trina Solar Panels 330W x 20 Nos.

Our 6.6 kW system installation utilizes the 330 W Trina Honey solar panels.

10 Yrs Warranty & 25 Yrs guarantee

Quality Solar Sydney offers a reliable and trustworthy solar solution with a 10-year panel product warranty and a 25-year performance guarantee.

Recover your system cost in 2-3 years

Also, save up to 50% off the solar system with the government's Solar Credit Scheme.


Residential 6.6 kW Solar System

Our special solar packages Based on the TRINA SOLAR and SMA Arrangement for the Residential Package: 6.6KW Solar System

SMA 5kW Inverter

High grade and robust quality SMA inverters are best suited for such applications.

Trina Solar Panels 330W x 20 Nos.

Our 6.6 kW system installation utilizes the 330 W Trina Honey solar panels.

10 Yrs Warranty & 25 Yrs guarantee

Quality Solar Sydney offers a reliable and trustworthy solar solution with a 10-year panel product warranty and a 25-year performance guarantee.

Recover your system cost in 2-3 years

Additionally, the government's Solar Credit Scheme can help you save up to 50% for a solar system.